Just because you are of legal age to do so does not mean you should run out and obtain a credit card, or several. What you do now affects your credit for many years to come. In a recent...
Do you feel like your dollars don’t go very fall? The bad news is that you are probably right. The good news is that your dollars go further here than they would in many other parts of the nation....
American student debt has been tremendous, increasing steadily for years. However, a new study (showcased by Business Insider), shows a decrease in American student debt for the first time in a long time. “This decrease in aggregate student-loan debt...
Shortly after graduating college, you might be thinking about ways to cut down your amount of student debt. Many options are available, but not all of them are great. In a recent article featured by US News and World...
The amount of American student debt is astounding. But is it a crisis? According to a recent interview by NPR.org, the answer may be ‘no.’ “People who earn bachelor’s degrees, by and large, do fine.” In the interview, varying...
Not sure what happens if you’ve had a debt or two sent to collections? There is no cut-and-dry rule for when this happens. According to a recent article by US News and World Report, any number of outcomes is...
Ever heard the phrase ‘attitude is everything’? We all know the way we think affects the way we behave. According to a recent article by US News and World Report, your mindset may be to blame for your financial...
It’s important to think about your retirement early, as early as your first job post-graduation. This article talks about 4 ways to help plan for the future. Think about how those first paychecks can be used to build a...
Student loan forgiveness – not having to pay the remaining balance of your student loan. This article talks about the situations that don’t qualify and the few that do. Student loan forgiveness only applies in certain situations. This is primarily...
Benefits like childcare, stock plans, and mortgage assistance are not being offered by as many employers as in the past. The good news is that the share of employers offering “core” benefits such as health insurance, retirement savings plans and...