Feel like you have hit financial rock-bottom? Don’t think it’s hopeless. According to an article by US News and World Report, there are steps you can take to regain control. “Go slow. It takes time to build new budgeting habits…”...

Yukon,Oklahoma. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, and Durable Powers of Attorney
Feel like you have hit financial rock-bottom? Don’t think it’s hopeless. According to an article by US News and World Report, there are steps you can take to regain control. “Go slow. It takes time to build new budgeting habits…”...
Are you just having a rough patch, or does your financial struggle seem to be more constant? Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell. But according to a recent article by US News and World Report, there may be...
Do you feel like you are on the verge of a financial disaster? You are far from alone. According to an article from DailyFinance.com, 37% of Americans are on the brink of financial destruction. “Adults between the ages of...
Consumer borrowing increased sharply in the month of December. According to a recent article from DailyFinance.com, credit card debt rose more than it had in the last eight months. The rise in consumer borrowing even set a debt record....
Though medical debt may make you feel isolated, you are far from alone. According to a recent study, nearly 20% of US consumers have unpaid medical debt. On average, a person with only overdue medical debt owes $1,766. Someone...
When the bills pile up and funds are low, it can be difficult to decide which bills to pay first. An article by US News & World Report helps sift through the options to navigate your way. If you...
Rates of foreclosure continue to fall across the United States, to the lowest since 2006, according to an article on Moneynews.com. September was the 48th consecutive month of year-on-year declines in overall foreclosure activity, which includes foreclosure notices, scheduled...
As the mortgage interest rates have fallen over the last week, the number of applications has risen. Here is more information about these rates from Money News. The Mortgage Bankers Association said its seasonally adjusted index of mortgage application activity,...
Student Loan defaults are on the decline. This is good news. Defaults on federal student loans declined in 2013, for the first time in years, Read the rest of the article here
This is a great article by MSN Money regarding three of the most common credit report errors, and the severity of each. It’s always important to know what’s going on with your credit. Read the full article here. (Source:...