Chances are, you carry credit card debt. If not you, then surely someone you know does. And it’s no surprise those credit card balances are costing you. A recent article by CNN Money outlines exactly how much credit card...

Yukon,Oklahoma. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, and Durable Powers of Attorney
Chances are, you carry credit card debt. If not you, then surely someone you know does. And it’s no surprise those credit card balances are costing you. A recent article by CNN Money outlines exactly how much credit card...
Do you feel like you struggle to makes ends meet every month? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? According to a recent study by CareerBuilder, you are far from alone. “More than three-quarters of workers (78 percent) are living...
Bad credit is no good. In fact, according to a recent article by US News and World Report, bad credit sucks. “The truth is that folks who either have poor credit or little credit get the worst of everything...
If your debt is overwhelming, and it seems like nothing helps, you may feel like there is no hope. But a recent article by US News and World Report offers some ideas. ” In over your head in debt? Maybe...
If you currently have debt, you have probably wondered how your debt could affect your loved ones when you die. According to a recent article by MarketWatch, that could be a valid concern. “For the most part, your debt...
If you are like most Americans, you have at least one credit card. And that’s okay. Just because you have a credit card doesn’t mean you are automatically doomed. But a recent article by CNN Money sets guidelines for...
American debt is still on the rise. According to NerdWallet’s Annual American Household Credit Card Debt Study, U.S. consumers now owe $12.35 trillion in total debt, and the average household with a credit balance owes $16,061 on its cards...
Just because you are of legal age to do so does not mean you should run out and obtain a credit card, or several. What you do now affects your credit for many years to come. In a recent...
Not sure what happens if you’ve had a debt or two sent to collections? There is no cut-and-dry rule for when this happens. According to a recent article by US News and World Report, any number of outcomes is...
Ever heard the phrase ‘attitude is everything’? We all know the way we think affects the way we behave. According to a recent article by US News and World Report, your mindset may be to blame for your financial...