Money and assets can get messy. Especially when people are involved. So it’s no surprise that estate planning is an arduous feat. According to a recent article by The New York Times, it doesn’t stop there. “Deciding how your...

Yukon,Oklahoma. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, and Durable Powers of Attorney
Money and assets can get messy. Especially when people are involved. So it’s no surprise that estate planning is an arduous feat. According to a recent article by The New York Times, it doesn’t stop there. “Deciding how your...
There are certain things you look forward to doing: watching your grandchild’s t-ball game, vacationing on the beach, and gardening. And there are certain things you may put off–and dread– doing: taxes, medical appointments, and estate planning. According to...
There are many things to think about when it comes to retirement. Spending time with family, traveling, and enjoying your hobbies, to name a few. But a recent article by U.S. News and World Report says there are also...
A widow/widower is not probably something you look forward to becoming. But as you get older, the possibility of becoming a widow/widower increases. According to a recent article by USA Today, planning for such a possibility could greatly benefit...
As your parents get older, there are certain discussions you will need to have. Health, death, and finances are a few topics that adult children tend to shy away from when it comes to conversations. According to a recent...
Everything changes after retirement. The way you handle the holidays is no exception. According to a recent article by U.S. News and World Report, retirees should be careful of how they spend their holidays. “If it’s your first year out...
Bankruptcy is no fun, at any age. Bankruptcy in older Americans seems to be on the rise, according to a recent article by “Medical debt is the No. 1 source of personal bankruptcy filings in the United States...
Retirement is a topic in the back of the minds of lots of people, of varying ages. It’s something we all hope–and plan–for. A recent article by U.S. News and World Report lays out some financial guidelines for planning...
Technology is great, right? But have you thought about the actual impact it could have on our future? According to a recent article by US News and World Report, the impact could be mind-blowing. “. . . the impact of...
There are many decisions to make regarding your estate. Once such decision is naming an Executor. According to a recent article by CNBC, this decision is not one to be taken lightly. “Simply put, serving as an executor is...