According to the participants of the Yukon Review’s Reader’s Choice Awards, we are ‘Yukon’s Best!’ Our firm was voted Best Law Firm. Thank you to our clients, who make our work worth doing.

Yukon,Oklahoma. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, and Durable Powers of Attorney
According to the participants of the Yukon Review’s Reader’s Choice Awards, we are ‘Yukon’s Best!’ Our firm was voted Best Law Firm. Thank you to our clients, who make our work worth doing.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a report yesterday noting illegal actions by the student loan servicing industry. Bureau examiners found that companies engaged in illegal practices like charging unfair late fees and harassing debt collection calls. Bureau examiners...
Here is a great article from USA today that asks 66 questions and provides the answers. Click here to read more.
New rules are being put into place to make sure that debt collectors are upfront and honest with the people they call to collect debts.
So you need to declare bankruptcy. But what will happen if you have student loans?
Oklahoma Exemptions Under Bankruptcy Law One of the first questions everyone has when considering filing Bankruptcy is “Will I lose everything?”. The answer is “no”, in most cases. In Oklahoma, state law protects most property against liquidation through various...
Sadly, financial and marital problems tend to go hand in hand. If you need help with this, you might think about which area to address first. After financial stress is removed from the relationship, the couple may discover that...