Struggling to get your finances together? This article gives you five ways to find a money mentor. A money mentor may be just what you need to get your financial life in order. To read the full article on...

Yukon,Oklahoma. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, and Durable Powers of Attorney
Struggling to get your finances together? This article gives you five ways to find a money mentor. A money mentor may be just what you need to get your financial life in order. To read the full article on...
Need tips to pay off your debt in 2016? This article gives you six great tips! Whether you’ve been left with a debt hangover after the holidays or are still struggling to pay off the debt load you’ve acquired over...
Ever wonder what happens to your debt after you die? In a recent article from US News and World Report, they give a rundown of what you can expect. “Your debt could cause headaches for your descendants, depending on...
If you are getting more and more behind on bills, it may be due to debt accumulated in a surprising manner. According to a recent article by U.S. News and World Report, there are 5 common sources of this...
Paying off the debt that’s weighing you down the most can help you inch closer to financial stability. If you find yourself collecting more and more debt while struggling to figure out how you will ever pay it all...
WASHINGTON – U.S. consumer borrowing advanced at a solid pace in August, as Americans took out more auto and student loans, according to a recent article in Daily Finance. The Federal Reserve said Wednesday that consumer borrowing rose by...
According to a recent article by Daily Finance, financial rules of thumb have their place. They can help remove the complexity from financial decisions we have to make. Relying on them blindly, however, can be a costly mistake. In fact,...
You might be surprised at just how much progress you can make in improving your credit in half a year. A recent article on outlines a very practical 6 to 12 month plan to increase your credit score. You...
U.S. consumer borrowing hit another record in June, good news for the American economy. According to an article written by Daily Finance, consumer borrowing is up… Americans piled on another $20.7 billion in debt in June, bringing total consumer...
It’s no surprise that life is expensive. Even without splurging on extra things, every day living adds up quickly. A recent article on outlines a few small lifestyle changes that could add up to big money. “Spend less,...