Student loans may be necessary to help you, or your child, further an education. Education costs are heavy. When managed well, student loans can be a tool. But according to a recent article by U.S. News and World Report,...

Yukon,Oklahoma. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, and Durable Powers of Attorney
Student loans may be necessary to help you, or your child, further an education. Education costs are heavy. When managed well, student loans can be a tool. But according to a recent article by U.S. News and World Report,...
Credit card debt and Americans seem to go hand-in-hand for the last few decades, right? Credit card in America continues to rise. Nerdwallet recently completed their 2017 Household Credit Card Debt Study. “Americans’ total credit card debt continues to...
The more informed you are on a subject, the better off you are, right? Dealing with your debt is no different. The more you know about your situation, the more you can do to help your situation. According to...
A widow/widower is not probably something you look forward to becoming. But as you get older, the possibility of becoming a widow/widower increases. According to a recent article by USA Today, planning for such a possibility could greatly benefit...
As your parents get older, there are certain discussions you will need to have. Health, death, and finances are a few topics that adult children tend to shy away from when it comes to conversations. According to a recent...
Did your Christmas spending force you to set a financial New Year’s resolution? If so, you are likely not alone. According to a recent article by USA Today claims consumer spending in the United States is on the rise....
The holidays bring joy and happiness to families all America. But for many, the holidays also bring financial stress to families in America. A recent article by U.S. News and World Report seeks to help you recover from your...
Americans are feeling pretty good about finances lately. Spending looks good. Investing looks good. According to a recent article by CNN Money, U.S. consumer confidence is still near its 17-year high, which peaked in November. “Confidence has been fueled...
Are you in over your head, but don’t want to admit it? If so, you are not alone. According to a recent article by U.S. News and World Report, you may be in debt denial. And debt denial is...
Chances are, you carry credit card debt. If not you, then surely someone you know does. And it’s no surprise those credit card balances are costing you. A recent article by CNN Money outlines exactly how much credit card...