If you are hoping to pay for all–or some, at least–of your child’s college tuition, you are not alone. The number of parents saving for college tuition has increased over last decade or so. However, according to an article...

Yukon,Oklahoma. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, and Durable Powers of Attorney
If you are hoping to pay for all–or some, at least–of your child’s college tuition, you are not alone. The number of parents saving for college tuition has increased over last decade or so. However, according to an article...
It is no secret that cost of college has exponentially increased in the last few decades. But a recent article by Business Insider focuses on a less-discussed expense that has increased just as quickly. “. . . most conversations center...
Just because you are of legal age to do so does not mean you should run out and obtain a credit card, or several. What you do now affects your credit for many years to come. In a recent...
American student debt has been tremendous, increasing steadily for years. However, a new study (showcased by Business Insider), shows a decrease in American student debt for the first time in a long time. “This decrease in aggregate student-loan debt...
Shortly after graduating college, you might be thinking about ways to cut down your amount of student debt. Many options are available, but not all of them are great. In a recent article featured by US News and World...
The amount of American student debt is astounding. But is it a crisis? According to a recent interview by NPR.org, the answer may be ‘no.’ “People who earn bachelor’s degrees, by and large, do fine.” In the interview, varying...
Student loan forgiveness – not having to pay the remaining balance of your student loan. This article talks about the situations that don’t qualify and the few that do. Student loan forgiveness only applies in certain situations. This is primarily...
The fee that lenders charge to issue a student loan are set to rise this year. When it comes to the student loan process, many aspects can catch borrowers off guard. One of the biggest surprises is that the...
Graduating college with a lot of debt? You’re not alone. This article talks about just how much debt students are graduating with. Along with their new diplomas, this year’s graduates will leave campus with an average of $28,950 of...
What would you give up to get out of student loan debt? Chocolate? Social Media? Check out some of the crazy sacrifices people would be willing to make to ditch their looming student loans in this video. Student loan debt...