When It Makes Sense To Revise Your Will

last will and testament

If you have already drawn up your will, good for you! You are ahead of the vast majority of Americans. But you aren’t necessarily in the clear. According to a recent article by US News and World Report, it may be time to give it a look. And make a few changes, if necessary.

“If your will is collecting dust in a file somewhere, it might be time to pull it out and brush it off. Just as your life changes, so should your will. You may need to replace an executor, update accounts or adjust heirs. If you have a basic will, you may be able to draw up or revise one using software or an online template. However, those with greater wealth or needing more complex arrangements, such as trusts or guardianship provisions, may want to work with a professional estate attorney instead.”

The article goes on to explain the few times that it would make sense to revise your will, and how to best go about doing so.

To find out all reasons to revisit your will, and to read the full article, visit the U.S. News and World Report website here.

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