Stolen Identity? Here’s What You Do.

Criminal holding a social security card at a computer.

Having your identity stolen is no walk in the park. It can leave you feeling vulnerable, on top of all the financial headache it creates. Hopefully, you’ve never experienced it yourself. But if you have, you know it is not a fun experience. But according to a recent article by U.S. News and World Report, there are a few steps you can (and should take) as quickly as possible if you think you’re a victim of identity theft.

“Whether someone is opening new accounts in your name or running up fraudulent charges on your credit card, experts say you need to take action immediately. “If someone has stolen your identity, they’re working as fast as they can [to use your information] before you realize what’s happened,” says Ted Peters, chairman of the investment firm Bluestone Financial Institutions Fund and former board member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.”

The article goes on to give U.S. News and World Report’s list of 10 things to do immediately after falling victim, and how to go about each list item. The list includes contacting the police and locking down the account(s) in question.

To read the full list, and to find out how you can best protect yourself from identity theft, visit the U.S. News and World Report site here.

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