The Great Recession and Student Debt

Recession definition

You likely remember the Great Recession of 2008. You could have been a student during that time. You may still be affected by it. According to a recent article by Market Watch, the crash of 2008 is one we will remember for a while.

“The crash, which began 10 years ago this month with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, created a perfect storm of high unemployment, stagnant wages and the declining value of American homes meant that families had fewer resources to use to pay for college.”

The article goes on to talk about the lingering affects of this recession.

“Now, 10 years after the start of the financial collapse, Americans of all types are saddled with student debt that’s holding them back from future financial goals, like buying a home, or, worse, crippling them financially.”

Market Watch writers touch on several factors that lead to the lasting effects of this financial crisis.

To read the full article, visit the Market Watch website here.

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